Some handy commands of Cassandra:
To make vertical output from cqlsh.
Example :
cqlsh:loadtest> expand on;
Now printing expanded output
cqlsh:loadtest> select * from cmdtest;
@ Row 1
id | 1
name | amit
(1 rows)
To execute Query from file
cqlsh> use loadtest;
cqlsh:loadtest> source '/tmp/query.sql'
id | name
1 | amit
2 | testing
(2 rows)
Captures command output and appends it to a file.
To start capturing the output of a query, specify the path of the file relative to the current directory. Enclose the file name in single quotation marks
cqlsh:loadtest> capture '/tmp/a'
Now capturing query output to '/tmp/a'.
cqlsh:loadtest> select * from cmdtest;
cqlsh:loadtest> exit
cassandra@dell27:~> cat /tmp/a
id | name
1 | amit
2 | testing
(2 rows)